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load("@rules_cuda_docs//:providers_docs.bzl", "ArchSpecInfo")

ArchSpecInfo(stage1_arch, stage2_archs)

Provides the information of how GPU compilation is carried out of a single virtual architecture.


Name Description
stage1_arch A virtual architecture, str, arch number only
stage2_archs A list of virtual or gpu architecture, list of Stage2ArchInfo


load("@rules_cuda_docs//:providers_docs.bzl", "CudaArchsInfo")


Provides a list of CUDA archs to compile for.

Read the whole Chapter 5 of CUDA Compiler Driver NVCC Reference Guide if more detail is needed.


Name Description
arch_specs A list of ArchSpecInfo


Provides cuda build artifacts that can be consumed by device linking or linking process.

This provider is analog to CcInfo but only contains necessary information for linking in a flat structure. Objects are grouped by direct and transitive, because we have no way to split them again if merged a single depset.


Name Description
defines A depset of strings. It is used for the compilation during device linking.
objects A depset of objects. Direct artifacts of the rule.
pic_objects A depset of position independent code objects. Direct artifacts of the rule.
rdc_objects A depset of relocatable device code objects. Direct artifacts of the rule.
rdc_pic_objects A depset of relocatable device code and position independent code objects. Direct artifacts of the rule.
archive_objects A depset of rdc objects. cuda_objects only. Gathered from the transitive dependencies for archiving.
archive_pic_objects A depset of rdc pic objects. cuda_objects only. Gathered from the transitive dependencies for archiving.
archive_rdc_objects A depset of rdc objects. cuda_objects only. Gathered from the transitive dependencies for archiving or device linking.
archive_rdc_pic_objects A depset of rdc pic objects. cuda_objects only. Gathered from the transitive dependencies for archiving or device linking.
dlink_rdc_objects A depset of rdc objects. cuda_library only. Gathered from the transitive dependencies for device linking.
dlink_rdc_pic_objects A depset of rdc pic objects. cuda_library only. Gathered from the transitive dependencies for device linking.


load("@rules_cuda_docs//:providers_docs.bzl", "CudaToolchainConfigInfo")

CudaToolchainConfigInfo(action_configs, artifact_name_patterns, cuda_toolkit, features,

Provides the information of what the toolchain is and how the toolchain is configured.


Name Description
action_configs A list of action_configs.
artifact_name_patterns A list of artifact_name_patterns.
cuda_toolkit CudaToolkitInfo
features A list of features.
toolchain_identifier nvcc or clang


load("@rules_cuda_docs//:providers_docs.bzl", "CudaToolkitInfo")

CudaToolkitInfo(path, version_major, version_minor, nvlink, link_stub, bin2c, fatbinary)

Provides the information of CUDA Toolkit.


Name Description
path string of path to cuda toolkit root
version_major int of the cuda toolkit major version, e.g, 11 for 11.6
version_minor int of the cuda toolkit minor version, e.g, 6 for 11.6
nvlink File to the nvlink executable
link_stub File to the link.stub file
bin2c File to the bin2c executable
fatbinary File to the fatbinary executable


load("@rules_cuda_docs//:providers_docs.bzl", "Stage2ArchInfo")

Stage2ArchInfo(arch, virtual, gpu, lto)

Provides the information of how the stage 2 compilation is carried out.

One and only one of virtual, gpu and lto must be set to True. For example, if arch is set to 80 and virtual is True, then a ptx embedding process is carried out for compute_80. Multiple Stage2ArchInfo can be used for specifying how a stage 1 result is transformed into its final form.


Name Description
arch str, arch number
virtual bool, use virtual arch, default False
gpu bool, use gpu arch, default False
lto bool, use lto, default False