
List of Authors

Author  ↓Commits (%)  ↓+ lines  ↓- lines  ↓First commit  ↓Last commit  ↓AgeActive days  ↓# by commits  ↓
Chuck Grindel58 (54.72%)752120332021-11-112023-06-02568 days, 3:24:19441
renovate[bot]25 (23.58%)77732022-11-042023-07-24262 days, 0:08:41172
auth-for-create-pull-request[bot]11 (10.38%)31322022-04-142023-07-25466 days, 22:25:07103
Daniel Wagner-Hall4 (3.77%)12782023-04-032023-05-0430 days, 23:15:2334
cgrindel-app-token-generator[bot]3 (2.83%)1192022-01-132022-03-1662 days, 0:34:3235
John Firebaugh2 (1.89%)54732022-12-272022-12-279:55:4116
k1nkreet1 (0.94%)16122022-07-012022-07-010:00:0017
John Cater1 (0.94%)17122023-07-252023-07-250:00:0018
Andreas Herrmann1 (0.94%)7332023-02-122023-02-120:00:0019

Cumulated Added Lines of Code per Author

Lines of code per Author

Commits per Author

Commits per Author

Author of Month

Month  ↓Author  ↓Commits (%)  ↓Next top 5Number of authors  ↓
2023-07renovate[bot]1 (33.33% of 3)auth-for-create-pull-request[bot], John Cater3
2023-06Chuck Grindel1 (100.00% of 1)1
2023-05Daniel Wagner-Hall1 (100.00% of 1)1
2023-04Daniel Wagner-Hall3 (42.86% of 7)Chuck Grindel, auth-for-create-pull-request[bot]3
2023-03Chuck Grindel9 (50.00% of 18)renovate[bot], auth-for-create-pull-request[bot]3
2023-02renovate[bot]2 (33.33% of 6)Chuck Grindel, auth-for-create-pull-request[bot], Andreas Herrmann4
2023-01renovate[bot]2 (100.00% of 2)1
2022-12renovate[bot]5 (45.45% of 11)Chuck Grindel, John Firebaugh, auth-for-create-pull-request[bot]4
2022-11renovate[bot]9 (81.82% of 11)Chuck Grindel2
2022-07k1nkreet1 (100.00% of 1)1
2022-05auth-for-create-pull-request[bot]2 (50.00% of 4)Chuck Grindel2
2022-04Chuck Grindel7 (77.78% of 9)auth-for-create-pull-request[bot]2
2022-03Chuck Grindel2 (66.67% of 3)cgrindel-app-token-generator[bot]2
2022-02Chuck Grindel1 (100.00% of 1)1
2022-01Chuck Grindel11 (84.62% of 13)cgrindel-app-token-generator[bot]2
2021-12Chuck Grindel5 (100.00% of 5)1
2021-11Chuck Grindel10 (100.00% of 10)1

Author of Year

Year  ↓Author  ↓Commits (%)  ↓Next top 5Number of authors  ↓
2023Chuck Grindel15 (39.47% of 38)renovate[bot], auth-for-create-pull-request[bot], Daniel Wagner-Hall, John Cater, Andreas Herrmann6
2022Chuck Grindel28 (52.83% of 53)renovate[bot], auth-for-create-pull-request[bot], cgrindel-app-token-generator[bot], John Firebaugh, k1nkreet6
2021Chuck Grindel15 (100.00% of 15)1

Commits by Domains

DomainsTotal (%)
gmail.com47 (44.34%)
users.noreply.github.com39 (36.79%)
chuckgrindel.com14 (13.21%)
apple.com3 (2.83%)
tweag.io1 (0.94%)
henchmonkey.org1 (0.94%)
gmx.ch1 (0.94%)
Commits by Domains