
List of Authors

Author  ↓Commits (%)  ↓+ lines  ↓- lines  ↓First commit  ↓Last commit  ↓AgeActive days  ↓# by commits  ↓
Keith Smiley101 (45.91%)832014862020-08-072023-07-171074 days, 2:35:21511
Thomas Van Lenten33 (15.00%)7396012019-04-042022-10-101285 days, 1:35:21232
thomasvl27 (12.27%)10353932018-12-132019-04-02109 days, 19:47:58213
Patrick Balestra10 (4.55%)72102022-01-212023-02-09383 days, 18:15:4384
kaipi9 (4.09%)1402142018-12-082019-04-01114 days, 5:36:0775
Googler7 (3.18%)61352019-03-292022-09-091259 days, 22:10:1576
github-actions[bot]6 (2.73%)662023-02-152023-07-07141 days, 23:50:4667
Thi Doãn5 (2.27%)31972021-11-172022-09-16302 days, 12:35:5248
Brentley Jones5 (2.27%)7432022-02-012023-03-24415 days, 17:20:1549
Nicholas Levin3 (1.36%)274512020-09-102022-07-26684 days, 0:16:11310
allevato2 (0.91%)1212018-12-122018-12-218 days, 23:42:52211
Tony Allevato2 (0.91%)7612021-01-122021-05-13120 days, 23:00:36212
Sergio Campama2 (0.91%)6502019-10-092019-10-112 days, 3:14:41213
Mauricio Garcia1 (0.45%)102022-08-222022-08-220:00:00114
Kayla McArthur1 (0.45%)2602021-02-022021-02-020:00:00115
Florian Weikert1 (0.45%)112019-03-072019-03-070:00:00116
Fabian Meumertzheim1 (0.45%)102023-04-102023-04-100:00:00117
Erik Kerber1 (0.45%)222022-03-172022-03-170:00:00118
Dmitry Lomov1 (0.45%)102019-01-312019-01-310:00:00119
Dan Fleming1 (0.45%)1522021-11-172021-11-170:00:00120

These didn't make it to the top: Automatic version bump

Cumulated Added Lines of Code per Author

Lines of code per Author

Only top 20 authors shown

Commits per Author

Commits per Author

Only top 20 authors shown

Author of Month

Month  ↓Author  ↓Commits (%)  ↓Next top 5Number of authors  ↓
2023-07Keith Smiley8 (88.89% of 9)github-actions[bot]2
2023-06github-actions[bot]1 (50.00% of 2)Keith Smiley2
2023-05Keith Smiley2 (66.67% of 3)github-actions[bot]2
2023-04Fabian Meumertzheim1 (100.00% of 1)1
2023-03Keith Smiley6 (75.00% of 8)github-actions[bot], Brentley Jones3
2023-02Keith Smiley20 (83.33% of 24)github-actions[bot], Patrick Balestra3
2023-01Keith Smiley25 (100.00% of 25)1
2022-12Patrick Balestra1 (50.00% of 2)Keith Smiley2
2022-11Keith Smiley2 (66.67% of 3)Patrick Balestra2
2022-10Keith Smiley7 (63.64% of 11)Patrick Balestra, Thomas Van Lenten, Automatic version bump4
2022-09Thi Doãn3 (60.00% of 5)Patrick Balestra, Googler3
2022-08Brentley Jones3 (60.00% of 5)Mauricio Garcia, Keith Smiley3
2022-07Keith Smiley4 (66.67% of 6)Patrick Balestra, Nicholas Levin3
2022-06Keith Smiley1 (100.00% of 1)1
2022-05Thomas Van Lenten1 (50.00% of 2)Patrick Balestra2
2022-04Thomas Van Lenten2 (66.67% of 3)Keith Smiley2
2022-03Erik Kerber1 (100.00% of 1)1
2022-02Keith Smiley4 (80.00% of 5)Brentley Jones2
2022-01Keith Smiley7 (77.78% of 9)Thomas Van Lenten, Patrick Balestra3
2021-12Thi Doãn1 (100.00% of 1)1
2021-11Thomas Van Lenten2 (50.00% of 4)Thi Doãn, Dan Fleming3
2021-06Keith Smiley1 (100.00% of 1)1
2021-05Tony Allevato1 (50.00% of 2)Keith Smiley2
2021-04Keith Smiley3 (100.00% of 3)1
2021-03Thomas Van Lenten10 (90.91% of 11)Keith Smiley2
2021-02Kayla McArthur1 (50.00% of 2)Googler2
2021-01Tony Allevato1 (100.00% of 1)1
2020-11Keith Smiley3 (100.00% of 3)1
2020-09Nicholas Levin2 (100.00% of 2)1
2020-08Keith Smiley2 (66.67% of 3)Thomas Van Lenten2
2020-07Thomas Van Lenten3 (100.00% of 3)1
2019-12Thomas Van Lenten1 (50.00% of 2)Googler2
2019-10Sergio Campama2 (66.67% of 3)Googler2
2019-08Thomas Van Lenten2 (66.67% of 3)Googler2
2019-07Thomas Van Lenten1 (100.00% of 1)1
2019-06Thomas Van Lenten1 (100.00% of 1)1
2019-05Thomas Van Lenten3 (100.00% of 3)1
2019-04Thomas Van Lenten4 (57.14% of 7)thomasvl, kaipi, Googler4
2019-03thomasvl2 (50.00% of 4)Googler, Florian Weikert3
2019-02thomasvl11 (100.00% of 11)1
2019-01thomasvl7 (70.00% of 10)kaipi, Dmitry Lomov3
2018-12thomasvl6 (42.86% of 14)kaipi, allevato3

Author of Year

Year  ↓Author  ↓Commits (%)  ↓Next top 5Number of authors  ↓
2023Keith Smiley62 (86.11% of 72)github-actions[bot], Patrick Balestra, Fabian Meumertzheim, Brentley Jones5
2022Keith Smiley28 (52.83% of 53)Patrick Balestra, Thomas Van Lenten, Brentley Jones, Thi Doãn, Nicholas Levin10
2021Thomas Van Lenten12 (48.00% of 25)Keith Smiley, Tony Allevato, Thi Doãn, Kayla McArthur, Googler7
2020Keith Smiley5 (45.45% of 11)Thomas Van Lenten, Nicholas Levin3
2019thomasvl21 (46.67% of 45)Thomas Van Lenten, Googler, kaipi, Sergio Campama, Florian Weikert7
2018thomasvl6 (42.86% of 14)kaipi, allevato3

Commits by Domains

DomainsTotal (%)
gmail.com103 (46.82%)
google.com89 (40.45%)
patrickbalestra.com10 (4.55%)
users.noreply.github.com6 (2.73%)
thi.im5 (2.27%)
brentleyjones.com5 (2.27%)
spotify.com1 (0.45%)
meumertzhe.im1 (0.45%)
Commits by Domains