
List of Authors

AuthorCommits (%)+ lines- linesFirst commitLast commitAgeActive days# by commits
aiuto129 (48.86%)1931665012019-06-052022-01-20959 days, 19:01:49751
Andrew Psaltis49 (18.56%)1075636462020-02-272021-12-15656 days, 11:01:49442
Daniel Sullivan9 (3.41%)45482020-04-202020-10-14176 days, 19:26:4473
Tony Aiuto6 (2.27%)3421222019-08-152020-10-13425 days, 6:04:2064
Florian Weikert5 (1.89%)112019-08-162019-10-2267 days, 0:03:2935
Andrei Dragomir5 (1.89%)77262018-08-092018-08-2314 days, 0:44:4936
Markus Teufelberger4 (1.52%)176802017-12-282017-12-280:01:4917
dannysullivan3 (1.14%)42132020-04-272020-08-24119 days, 3:21:2928
Ryan Beasley3 (1.14%)212182020-02-272021-09-24574 days, 13:37:2539
Jacob Parker3 (1.14%)533522019-07-302019-09-2051 days, 14:59:43310
David Schneider3 (1.14%)109192020-05-192020-09-08112 days, 6:56:07311
fweikert2 (0.76%)44222019-09-262019-09-260:26:36112
andreas-0815-qwertz2 (0.76%)942019-12-042020-05-19166 days, 20:19:16213
Ulf Adams2 (0.76%)562020-04-062020-09-23169 days, 22:56:09214
Motiejus Jakštys2 (0.76%)1342021-01-132021-10-21280 days, 23:32:41215
Matt Mikitka2 (0.76%)3352020-02-272020-04-1749 days, 11:41:35216
Martin Medler2 (0.76%)3512021-01-242021-01-251 day, 1:21:40217
MarkusTeufelberger2 (0.76%)532018-01-102019-06-05511 days, 9:15:16218
John Cater2 (0.76%)222021-10-272021-11-058 days, 21:26:59219
Benjamin Peterson2 (0.76%)1942019-11-152019-12-0419 days, 3:05:33220

These didn't make it to the top: zoidbergwill, katre, dmayle, davidstanke, Xavier Bonaventura, Trevor Hickey, Thomas Gish, Thi Doãn, Shimin Guo, Rafael Marinheiro, Pras Velagapudi, Philipp Wollermann, Michael Hackner, Max Vorobev, Matthias Frei, Markus Padourek, Laurent Le Brun, Konstantin Erman, Ken Conley, Gunnar Wagenknecht, Greg Bowyer, Grant Monroe, Elliot Murphy, Dmitry Lomov, David Stanke, Alexandre Rostovtsev, Alex Eagle

Cumulated Added Lines of Code per Author

Lines of code per Author

Only top 20 authors shown

Commits per Author

Commits per Author

Only top 20 authors shown

Author of Month

MonthAuthorCommits (%)Next top 5Number of authors
2022-01aiuto2 (66.67% of 3)Alexandre Rostovtsev2
2021-12aiuto7 (87.50% of 8)Andrew Psaltis2
2021-11Andrew Psaltis6 (46.15% of 13)aiuto, Ken Conley, John Cater4
2021-10aiuto6 (60.00% of 10)Motiejus Jakštys, John Cater, Gunnar Wagenknecht, Andrew Psaltis5
2021-09aiuto1 (33.33% of 3)Ryan Beasley, Philipp Wollermann3
2021-08aiuto16 (100.00% of 16)1
2021-07aiuto7 (70.00% of 10)Andrew Psaltis, Grant Monroe3
2021-06aiuto11 (100.00% of 11)1
2021-05aiuto6 (66.67% of 9)Andrew Psaltis2
2021-04Andrew Psaltis8 (66.67% of 12)aiuto, Rafael Marinheiro, Michael Hackner, Alex Eagle5
2021-03Andrew Psaltis4 (50.00% of 8)katre, aiuto, Konstantin Erman, Greg Bowyer5
2021-02aiuto3 (60.00% of 5)Andrew Psaltis2
2021-01aiuto6 (50.00% of 12)Martin Medler, Xavier Bonaventura, Thi Doãn, Motiejus Jakštys, Andrew Psaltis6
2020-12dmayle1 (33.33% of 3)aiuto, Thomas Gish3
2020-11Andrew Psaltis1 (100.00% of 1)1
2020-10aiuto2 (40.00% of 5)Tony Aiuto, Daniel Sullivan, Andrew Psaltis4
2020-09aiuto5 (50.00% of 10)Andrew Psaltis, Ulf Adams, David Schneider, Daniel Sullivan5
2020-08aiuto3 (25.00% of 12)Daniel Sullivan, Andrew Psaltis, dannysullivan, Tony Aiuto, Shimin Guo6
2020-07aiuto7 (63.64% of 11)Andrew Psaltis, Elliot Murphy, David Schneider4
2020-06Andrew Psaltis3 (100.00% of 3)1
2020-05aiuto10 (62.50% of 16)Andrew Psaltis, andreas-0815-qwertz, Pras Velagapudi, David Schneider5
2020-04Andrew Psaltis5 (27.78% of 18)Daniel Sullivan, aiuto, dannysullivan, Ulf Adams, Tony Aiuto8
2020-03aiuto2 (66.67% of 3)Ryan Beasley2
2020-02zoidbergwill1 (16.67% of 6)aiuto, Trevor Hickey, Ryan Beasley, Matt Mikitka, Andrew Psaltis6
2019-12andreas-0815-qwertz1 (50.00% of 2)Benjamin Peterson2
2019-11Benjamin Peterson1 (100.00% of 1)1
2019-10Tony Aiuto1 (33.33% of 3)Laurent Le Brun, Florian Weikert3
2019-09Florian Weikert3 (30.00% of 10)fweikert, aiuto, Jacob Parker, Tony Aiuto5
2019-08aiuto5 (71.43% of 7)Tony Aiuto, Florian Weikert3
2019-07aiuto6 (75.00% of 8)Max Vorobev, Jacob Parker3
2019-06aiuto10 (83.33% of 12)MarkusTeufelberger, Markus Padourek3
2019-01Dmitry Lomov1 (100.00% of 1)1
2018-08Andrei Dragomir5 (100.00% of 5)1
2018-01davidstanke1 (50.00% of 2)MarkusTeufelberger2
2017-12Markus Teufelberger4 (80.00% of 5)David Stanke2

Author of Year

YearAuthorCommits (%)Next top 5Number of authors
2022aiuto2 (66.67% of 3)Alexandre Rostovtsev2
2021aiuto70 (59.83% of 117)Andrew Psaltis, Motiejus Jakštys, Martin Medler, John Cater, katre18
2020aiuto34 (38.64% of 88)Andrew Psaltis, Daniel Sullivan, dannysullivan, Tony Aiuto, David Schneider18
2019aiuto23 (52.27% of 44)Florian Weikert, Tony Aiuto, Jacob Parker, fweikert, Benjamin Peterson12
2018Andrei Dragomir5 (71.43% of 7)davidstanke, MarkusTeufelberger3
2017Markus Teufelberger4 (80.00% of 5)David Stanke2

Commits by Domains

DomainsTotal (%)
google.com151 (57.20%)
vmware.com48 (18.18%)
gmail.com29 (10.98%)
users.noreply.github.com12 (4.55%)
mgit.at6 (2.27%)
solidangle.ca3 (1.14%)
tableau.com2 (0.76%)
wagenknecht.org1 (0.38%)
tnarg.com1 (0.38%)
thi.im1 (0.38%)
Commits by Domains