These didn't make it to the top: zoidbergwill, katre, dmayle, davidstanke, Xavier Bonaventura, Trevor Hickey, Thomas Gish, Thi Doãn, Shimin Guo, Rafael Marinheiro, Pras Velagapudi, Philipp Wollermann, Michael Hackner, Max Vorobev, Matthias Frei, Markus Padourek, Laurent Le Brun, Konstantin Erman, Ken Conley, Gunnar Wagenknecht, Greg Bowyer, Grant Monroe, Elliot Murphy, Dmitry Lomov, David Stanke, Alexandre Rostovtsev, Alex Eagle
Month | Author | Commits (%) | Next top 5 | Number of authors |
2022-01 | aiuto | 2 (66.67% of 3) | Alexandre Rostovtsev | 2 |
2021-12 | aiuto | 7 (87.50% of 8) | Andrew Psaltis | 2 |
2021-11 | Andrew Psaltis | 6 (46.15% of 13) | aiuto, Ken Conley, John Cater | 4 |
2021-10 | aiuto | 6 (60.00% of 10) | Motiejus Jakštys, John Cater, Gunnar Wagenknecht, Andrew Psaltis | 5 |
2021-09 | aiuto | 1 (33.33% of 3) | Ryan Beasley, Philipp Wollermann | 3 |
2021-08 | aiuto | 16 (100.00% of 16) | | 1 |
2021-07 | aiuto | 7 (70.00% of 10) | Andrew Psaltis, Grant Monroe | 3 |
2021-06 | aiuto | 11 (100.00% of 11) | | 1 |
2021-05 | aiuto | 6 (66.67% of 9) | Andrew Psaltis | 2 |
2021-04 | Andrew Psaltis | 8 (66.67% of 12) | aiuto, Rafael Marinheiro, Michael Hackner, Alex Eagle | 5 |
2021-03 | Andrew Psaltis | 4 (50.00% of 8) | katre, aiuto, Konstantin Erman, Greg Bowyer | 5 |
2021-02 | aiuto | 3 (60.00% of 5) | Andrew Psaltis | 2 |
2021-01 | aiuto | 6 (50.00% of 12) | Martin Medler, Xavier Bonaventura, Thi Doãn, Motiejus Jakštys, Andrew Psaltis | 6 |
2020-12 | dmayle | 1 (33.33% of 3) | aiuto, Thomas Gish | 3 |
2020-11 | Andrew Psaltis | 1 (100.00% of 1) | | 1 |
2020-10 | aiuto | 2 (40.00% of 5) | Tony Aiuto, Daniel Sullivan, Andrew Psaltis | 4 |
2020-09 | aiuto | 5 (50.00% of 10) | Andrew Psaltis, Ulf Adams, David Schneider, Daniel Sullivan | 5 |
2020-08 | aiuto | 3 (25.00% of 12) | Daniel Sullivan, Andrew Psaltis, dannysullivan, Tony Aiuto, Shimin Guo | 6 |
2020-07 | aiuto | 7 (63.64% of 11) | Andrew Psaltis, Elliot Murphy, David Schneider | 4 |
2020-06 | Andrew Psaltis | 3 (100.00% of 3) | | 1 |
2020-05 | aiuto | 10 (62.50% of 16) | Andrew Psaltis, andreas-0815-qwertz, Pras Velagapudi, David Schneider | 5 |
2020-04 | Andrew Psaltis | 5 (27.78% of 18) | Daniel Sullivan, aiuto, dannysullivan, Ulf Adams, Tony Aiuto | 8 |
2020-03 | aiuto | 2 (66.67% of 3) | Ryan Beasley | 2 |
2020-02 | zoidbergwill | 1 (16.67% of 6) | aiuto, Trevor Hickey, Ryan Beasley, Matt Mikitka, Andrew Psaltis | 6 |
2019-12 | andreas-0815-qwertz | 1 (50.00% of 2) | Benjamin Peterson | 2 |
2019-11 | Benjamin Peterson | 1 (100.00% of 1) | | 1 |
2019-10 | Tony Aiuto | 1 (33.33% of 3) | Laurent Le Brun, Florian Weikert | 3 |
2019-09 | Florian Weikert | 3 (30.00% of 10) | fweikert, aiuto, Jacob Parker, Tony Aiuto | 5 |
2019-08 | aiuto | 5 (71.43% of 7) | Tony Aiuto, Florian Weikert | 3 |
2019-07 | aiuto | 6 (75.00% of 8) | Max Vorobev, Jacob Parker | 3 |
2019-06 | aiuto | 10 (83.33% of 12) | MarkusTeufelberger, Markus Padourek | 3 |
2019-01 | Dmitry Lomov | 1 (100.00% of 1) | | 1 |
2018-08 | Andrei Dragomir | 5 (100.00% of 5) | | 1 |
2018-01 | davidstanke | 1 (50.00% of 2) | MarkusTeufelberger | 2 |
2017-12 | Markus Teufelberger | 4 (80.00% of 5) | David Stanke | 2 |
Year | Author | Commits (%) | Next top 5 | Number of authors |
2022 | aiuto | 2 (66.67% of 3) | Alexandre Rostovtsev | 2 |
2021 | aiuto | 70 (59.83% of 117) | Andrew Psaltis, Motiejus Jakštys, Martin Medler, John Cater, katre | 18 |
2020 | aiuto | 34 (38.64% of 88) | Andrew Psaltis, Daniel Sullivan, dannysullivan, Tony Aiuto, David Schneider | 18 |
2019 | aiuto | 23 (52.27% of 44) | Florian Weikert, Tony Aiuto, Jacob Parker, fweikert, Benjamin Peterson | 12 |
2018 | Andrei Dragomir | 5 (71.43% of 7) | davidstanke, MarkusTeufelberger | 3 |
2017 | Markus Teufelberger | 4 (80.00% of 5) | David Stanke | 2 |