These didn't make it to the top: Patrick Balestra, Omar Zúñiga, davg, Runo Sahara, Oscar Bonilla, Michael Eisel, Marcel Hlopko, Kanglei Fang, Josh Faust, Florian Weikert, Elton Gao, Dmitry Lomov, David Goldman, Danny Weinberg, Dan Fleming, Chuck Grindel, Benjamin Peterson, Antonin Amand, Andrew, Andre Brisco
Month | Author | Commits (%) | Next top 5 | Number of authors |
2022-03 | Keith Smiley | 10 (100.00% of 10) | | 1 |
2022-02 | Keith Smiley | 5 (71.43% of 7) | Tony Allevato, Thi Doãn | 3 |
2022-01 | Thi Doãn | 10 (40.00% of 25) | Keith Smiley, Thomas Van Lenten, Tony Allevato, Walter Lee, Patrick Balestra | 7 |
2021-12 | Tony Allevato | 2 (100.00% of 2) | | 1 |
2021-11 | Tony Allevato | 6 (37.50% of 16) | Keith Smiley, Brentley Jones, Thi Doãn | 4 |
2021-10 | Tony Allevato | 2 (18.18% of 11) | Brentley Jones, Thomas Van Lenten, Thi Doãn, Patrick Balestra, Keith Smiley | 9 |
2021-09 | Tony Allevato | 2 (28.57% of 7) | Thi Doãn, Runo Sahara, Keith Smiley, Brentley Jones | 5 |
2021-08 | Thi Doãn | 5 (41.67% of 12) | Tony Allevato, Keith Smiley, Brentley Jones, Philipp Wollermann | 5 |
2021-07 | Tony Allevato | 1 (50.00% of 2) | Omar Zúñiga | 2 |
2021-06 | Tony Allevato | 8 (33.33% of 24) | Samuel Giddins, Brentley Jones, Keith Smiley, Jerry Marino, Googler | 7 |
2021-05 | Keith Smiley | 15 (50.00% of 30) | Tony Allevato, Alex Eagle, Samuel Giddins, Googler, Brentley Jones | 6 |
2021-04 | Tony Allevato | 9 (47.37% of 19) | Keith Smiley, Alex Eagle, Walter Lee, Thomas Van Lenten, Googler | 6 |
2021-03 | Tony Allevato | 4 (44.44% of 9) | Keith Smiley, Thomas Van Lenten, Omar Zúñiga | 4 |
2021-02 | Tony Allevato | 5 (45.45% of 11) | Thi Doãn, Keith Smiley, Brentley Jones | 4 |
2021-01 | Tony Allevato | 7 (63.64% of 11) | Thomas Van Lenten, Thi Doãn, Keith Smiley | 4 |
2020-12 | Thomas Van Lenten | 6 (42.86% of 14) | Tony Allevato, Keith Smiley | 3 |
2020-11 | Keith Smiley | 5 (50.00% of 10) | Tony Allevato, Thomas Van Lenten, Benjamin Peterson | 4 |
2020-10 | Keith Smiley | 9 (81.82% of 11) | Thi Doãn, Kanglei Fang | 3 |
2020-09 | Thomas Van Lenten | 3 (27.27% of 11) | Keith Smiley, Tony Allevato, Samuel Giddins, Googler, Andre Brisco | 6 |
2020-08 | Keith Smiley | 16 (66.67% of 24) | Thi Doãn, Tony Allevato, Thomas Van Lenten, Michael Eisel, Googler | 8 |
2020-07 | Thomas Van Lenten | 7 (63.64% of 11) | Tony Allevato, Walter Lee, Googler | 4 |
2020-06 | Tony Allevato | 3 (60.00% of 5) | Thomas Van Lenten, Googler | 3 |
2020-05 | Tony Allevato | 2 (66.67% of 3) | Swift/Apple Rules Gardener | 2 |
2020-04 | Tony Allevato | 7 (53.85% of 13) | Walter Lee, Dave Lee, Googler, Brentley Jones | 5 |
2020-03 | Tony Allevato | 4 (57.14% of 7) | Dave Lee, Thomas Van Lenten | 3 |
2020-02 | Tony Allevato | 7 (50.00% of 14) | Dave Lee, Googler, Thomas Van Lenten, Swift/Apple Rules Gardener | 5 |
2020-01 | Tony Allevato | 8 (61.54% of 13) | Swift/Apple Rules Gardener, Dave Lee, Keith Smiley | 4 |
2019-12 | Thomas Van Lenten | 4 (57.14% of 7) | Tony Allevato, Keith Smiley, Googler | 4 |
2019-11 | Tony Allevato | 2 (66.67% of 3) | Swift/Apple Rules Gardener | 2 |
2019-10 | Tony Allevato | 14 (66.67% of 21) | Sergio Campama, Keith Smiley, Googler | 4 |
2019-09 | Tony Allevato | 6 (46.15% of 13) | Swift/Apple Rules Gardener, Sergio Campama, Keith Smiley, Dave Lee | 5 |
2019-08 | Thomas Van Lenten | 9 (27.27% of 33) | Tony Allevato, Lukacs T. Berki, Dave Lee, Swift/Apple Rules Gardener, Keith Smiley | 7 |
2019-07 | Tony Allevato | 2 (33.33% of 6) | Swift/Apple Rules Gardener, Oscar Bonilla, Keith Smiley | 4 |
2019-06 | Tony Allevato | 9 (60.00% of 15) | Thomas Van Lenten, Googler, Swift/Apple Rules Gardener, Josh Faust | 5 |
2019-05 | Tony Allevato | 18 (43.90% of 41) | Swift/Apple Rules Gardener, Keith Smiley, Thomas Van Lenten, Googler, Dave Lee | 8 |
2019-04 | Tony Allevato | 13 (27.66% of 47) | Thomas Van Lenten, allevato, Swift/Apple Rules Gardener, Keith Smiley, thomasvl | 10 |
2019-03 | allevato | 6 (37.50% of 16) | Googler, thomasvl, Dave Lee, Keith Smiley, Florian Weikert | 6 |
2019-02 | allevato | 12 (46.15% of 26) | Keith Smiley, thomasvl, Thomas Van Lenten, Philipp Wollermann, Googler | 6 |
2019-01 | allevato | 3 (21.43% of 14) | thomasvl, fed, Philipp Wollermann, kaipi, Steeve Morin | 9 |
2018-12 | thomasvl | 8 (57.14% of 14) | allevato, Dave Lee | 3 |
2018-11 | Keith Smiley | 7 (36.84% of 19) | thomasvl, allevato, davg, Dave Lee | 5 |
2018-10 | Keith Smiley | 6 (50.00% of 12) | allevato, Dave Lee | 3 |
2018-09 | allevato | 6 (85.71% of 7) | Googler | 2 |
2018-08 | allevato | 15 (83.33% of 18) | thomasvl | 2 |
2018-07 | allevato | 13 (68.42% of 19) | Googler | 2 |
2018-06 | Tony Allevato | 13 (46.43% of 28) | allevato, Googler, Steeve Morin, Antonin Amand | 5 |
2018-05 | Tony Allevato | 2 (100.00% of 2) | | 1 |