A rule for building projects using the GNU Make build tool
load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:make.bzl", "make") make(name, deps, data, additional_inputs, additional_tools, alwayslink, args, build_data, copts, defines, dynamic_deps, env, executable_ldflags_vars, includes, install_prefix, lib_name, lib_source, linkopts, out_bin_dir, out_binaries, out_data_dirs, out_dll_dir, out_headers_only, out_include_dir, out_interface_libs, out_lib_dir, out_shared_libs, out_static_libs, postfix_script, set_file_prefix_map, shared_ldflags_vars, targets, tool_prefix, tools_deps)
Rule for building external libraries with GNU Make. GNU Make commands (make and make install by default) are invoked with PREFIX="install" (by default), and other environment variables for compilation and linking, taken from Bazel C/C++ toolchain and passed dependencies. Not all Makefiles will work equally well here, and some may require patching.Your Makefile must either support passing the install prefix using the PREFIX flag, or it needs to have a different way to pass install prefix to it. An equivalent of make install MUST be specified as one of the targets.This is because all the paths with param names prefixed by out_* are expressed as relative to INSTALLDIR, not the source directory.That is, if you execute only make, but not make install, this rule will not be able to pick up any build outputs. Finally, your make install rule must dereference symlinks to ensure that the installed files don't end up being symlinks to files in the sandbox. For example, installation lines like cp $SOURCE $DEST
must become cp -L $SOURCE $DEST
, as the -L will ensure that symlinks are dereferenced.
Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
name | A unique name for this target. | Name | required | |
deps | Optional dependencies to be copied into the directory structure. Typically those directly required for the external building of the library/binaries. (i.e. those that the external build system will be looking for and paths to which are provided by the calling rule) | List of labels | optional | [] |
data | Files needed by this rule at runtime. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target. | List of labels | optional | [] |
additional_inputs | deprecated: Please use the build_data attribute. | List of labels | optional | [] |
additional_tools | deprecated: Please use the build_data attribute. | List of labels | optional | [] |
alwayslink | Optional. if true, link all the object files from the static library, even if they are not used. | Boolean | optional | False |
args | A list of arguments to pass to the call to make | List of strings | optional | [] |
build_data | Files needed by this rule only during build/compile time. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target. | List of labels | optional | [] |
copts | Optional. Add these options to the compile flags passed to the foreign build system. The flags only take affect for compiling this target, not its dependencies. | List of strings | optional | [] |
defines | Optional compilation definitions to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options. | List of strings | optional | [] |
dynamic_deps | Same as deps but for cc_shared_library. | List of labels | optional | [] |
env | Environment variables to set during the build. $(execpath) macros may be used to point at files which are listed as data , deps , or build_data , but unlike with other rules, these will be replaced with absolute paths to those files, because the build does not run in the exec root. This attribute is subject to make variable substitution. No other macros are supported.Variables containing PATH (e.g. PATH , LD_LIBRARY_PATH , CPATH ) entries will be prepended to the existing variable. | Dictionary: String -> String | optional | {} |
executable_ldflags_vars | A string list of variable names use as LDFLAGS for executables. These variables will be passed to the make command as make vars and overwrite what is defined in the Makefile. | List of strings | optional | [] |
includes | Optional list of include dirs to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options. | List of strings | optional | [] |
install_prefix | Install prefix, i.e. relative path to where to install the result of the build. Passed as an arg to "make" as PREFIX=<install_prefix>. | String | optional | "$$INSTALLDIR$$" |
lib_name | Library name. Defines the name of the install directory and the name of the static library, if no output files parameters are defined (any of static_libraries, shared_libraries, interface_libraries, binaries_names) Optional. If not defined, defaults to the target's name. | String | optional | "" |
lib_source | Label with source code to build. Typically a filegroup for the source of remote repository. Mandatory. | Label | required | |
linkopts | Optional link options to be passed up to the dependencies of this library | List of strings | optional | [] |
out_bin_dir | Optional name of the output subdirectory with the binary files, defaults to 'bin'. | String | optional | "bin" |
out_binaries | Optional names of the resulting binaries. | List of strings | optional | [] |
out_data_dirs | Optional names of additional directories created by the build that should be declared as bazel action outputs | List of strings | optional | [] |
out_dll_dir | Optional name of the output subdirectory with the dll files, defaults to 'bin'. | String | optional | "bin" |
out_headers_only | Flag variable to indicate that the library produces only headers | Boolean | optional | False |
out_include_dir | Optional name of the output subdirectory with the header files, defaults to 'include'. | String | optional | "include" |
out_interface_libs | Optional names of the resulting interface libraries. | List of strings | optional | [] |
out_lib_dir | Optional name of the output subdirectory with the library files, defaults to 'lib'. | String | optional | "lib" |
out_shared_libs | Optional names of the resulting shared libraries. | List of strings | optional | [] |
out_static_libs | Optional names of the resulting static libraries. Note that if out_headers_only , out_static_libs , out_shared_libs , and out_binaries are not set, default lib_name.a /lib_name.lib static library is assumed | List of strings | optional | [] |
postfix_script | Optional part of the shell script to be added after the make commands | String | optional | "" |
set_file_prefix_map | Use -ffile-prefix-map with the intention to remove the sandbox path from debug symbols | Boolean | optional | False |
shared_ldflags_vars | A string list of variable names use as LDFLAGS for shared libraries. These variables will be passed to the make command as make vars and overwrite what is defined in the Makefile. | List of strings | optional | [] |
targets | A list of targets within the foreign build system to produce. An empty string ("" ) will result in a call to the underlying build system with no explicit target set. However, in order to extract build outputs, you must execute at least an equivalent of make install, and have your make file copy the build outputs into the directory specified by install_prefix . | List of strings | optional | ["", "install"] |
tool_prefix | A prefix for build commands | String | optional | "" |
tools_deps | deprecated: Please use the build_data attribute. | List of labels | optional | [] |
load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:make.bzl", "make_variant") make_variant(name, toolchain, kwargs)
Wrapper macro around the make() rule to force usage of the given make variant toolchain.