Rules ForeignCc

Rules for building C/C++ projects using foreign build systems (non Bazel) inside Bazel projects.


Rules ForeignCc is designed to help users build projects that are not built by Bazel and also not fully under their control (ie: large and mature open source software). These rules provide a mechanism to build these external projects within Bazel's sandbox environment using a variety of C/C++ build systems to be later consumed by other rules as though they were normal cc rules.


To use the ForeignCc build rules, add the following content to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "rules_foreign_cc",
    # TODO: Get the latest sha256 value from a bazel debug message or the latest
    #       release on the releases page:
    # integrity = "...",
    strip_prefix = "rules_foreign_cc-{release_archive}",
    url = "{release_archive}.tar.gz",

load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:repositories.bzl", "rules_foreign_cc_dependencies")


Please note that there are many different configuration options for rules_foreign_cc_dependencies which offer more control over the toolchains used during the build phase. Please see that macro's documentation for more details.


For additional rules/macros/providers, see the full API in one page.


Building CMake projects

  • Build libraries/binaries with CMake from sources using cmake rule
  • Use cmake targets in cc_library, cc_binary targets as dependency
  • Bazel cc_toolchain parameters are used inside cmake build
  • See full list of cmake arguments below 'example'
  • Works on Ubuntu, Mac OS and Windows (see special notes below in Windows section) operating systems

Example: (Please see full examples in ./examples)

The example for Windows is below, in the section 'Usage on Windows'.

  • In WORKSPACE.bazel, we use a http_archive to download tarballs with the libraries we use.
  • In BUILD.bazel, we instantiate a cmake rule which behaves similarly to a cc_library, which can then be used in a C++ rule (cc_binary in this case).

In WORKSPACE.bazel, put

workspace(name = "rules_foreign_cc_usage_example")

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

# Rule repository, note that it's recommended to use a pinned commit to a released version of the rules
   name = "rules_foreign_cc",
   sha256 = "c2cdcf55ffaf49366725639e45dedd449b8c3fe22b54e31625eb80ce3a240f1e",
   strip_prefix = "rules_foreign_cc-0.1.0",
   url = "",

load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:repositories.bzl", "rules_foreign_cc_dependencies")

# This sets up some common toolchains for building targets. For more details, please see

    name = "all_srcs",
    srcs = glob(["**"]),
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

# pcre source code repository
    name = "pcre",
    build_file_content = _ALL_CONTENT,
    strip_prefix = "pcre-8.43",
    urls = [
    sha256 = "0b8e7465dc5e98c757cc3650a20a7843ee4c3edf50aaf60bb33fd879690d2c73",

And in the BUILD.bazel file, put:

load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:defs.bzl", "cmake")

    name = "pcre",
    cache_entries = {
        "CMAKE_C_FLAGS": "-fPIC",
    lib_source = "@pcre//:all_srcs",
    out_static_libs = ["libpcre.a"],

then build as usual:

bazel build //:pcre

Usage on Windows

When using on Windows, you should start Bazel in MSYS2 shell, as the shell script inside cmake assumes this. Also, you should explicitly specify make commands and option to generate CMake crosstool file.

The default generator for CMake will be detected automatically, or you can specify it explicitly.

The tested generators: Visual Studio 15, Ninja and NMake. The extension .lib is assumed for the static libraries by default.

Example usage (see full example in ./examples/cmake_hello_world_lib): Example assumes that MS Visual Studio and Ninja are installed on the host machine, and Ninja bin directory is added to PATH.

    # expect to find ./lib/hello.lib as the result of the build
    name = "hello",
    # This option can be omitted
    generate_args = [
        "-G \"Visual Studio 16 2019\"",
        "-A Win64",
    lib_source = ":srcs",

    name = "hello_ninja",
    # expect to find ./lib/hello.lib as the result of the build
    lib_name = "hello",
    # explicitly specify the generator
    generate_args = ["-GNinja"],
    lib_source = ":srcs",

    name = "hello_nmake",
    # explicitly specify the generator
    generate_args = ["-G \"NMake Makefiles\""],
    lib_source = ":srcs",
    # expect to find ./lib/hello.lib as the result of the build
    out_static_libs = ["hello.lib"],


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:cmake.bzl", "cmake")

cmake(name, deps, data, additional_inputs, additional_tools, alwayslink, build_args, build_data,
      cache_entries, copts, defines, dynamic_deps, env, generate_args, generate_crosstool_file,
      includes, install, install_args, lib_name, lib_source, linkopts, out_bin_dir, out_binaries,
      out_data_dirs, out_dll_dir, out_headers_only, out_include_dir, out_interface_libs, out_lib_dir,
      out_shared_libs, out_static_libs, postfix_script, set_file_prefix_map, targets, tool_prefix,
      tools_deps, working_directory)

Rule for building external library with CMake.


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
depsOptional dependencies to be copied into the directory structure. Typically those directly required for the external building of the library/binaries. (i.e. those that the external build system will be looking for and paths to which are provided by the calling rule)List of labelsoptional[]
dataFiles needed by this rule at runtime. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_inputsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_toolsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
alwayslinkOptional. if true, link all the object files from the static library, even if they are not used.BooleanoptionalFalse
build_argsArguments for the CMake build commandList of stringsoptional[]
build_dataFiles needed by this rule only during build/compile time. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
cache_entriesCMake cache entries to initialize (they will be passed with -Dkey=value) Values, defined by the toolchain, will be joined with the values, passed here. (Toolchain values come first)Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
coptsOptional. Add these options to the compile flags passed to the foreign build system. The flags only take affect for compiling this target, not its dependencies.List of stringsoptional[]
definesOptional compilation definitions to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
dynamic_depsSame as deps but for cc_shared_library.List of labelsoptional[]
envEnvironment variables to set during the build. $(execpath) macros may be used to point at files which are listed as data, deps, or build_data, but unlike with other rules, these will be replaced with absolute paths to those files, because the build does not run in the exec root. This attribute is subject to make variable substitution. No other macros are supported.Variables containing PATH (e.g. PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH) entries will be prepended to the existing variable.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
generate_argsArguments for CMake's generate command. Arguments should be passed as key/value pairs. eg: ["-G Ninja", "--debug-output", "-DFOO=bar"]. Note that unless a generator (-G) argument is provided, the default generators are Unix Makefiles for Linux and MacOS and Ninja for Windows.List of stringsoptional[]
generate_crosstool_fileWhen True, CMake crosstool file will be generated from the toolchain values, provided cache-entries and env_vars (some values will still be passed as -Dkey=value and environment variables). If CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE cache entry is passed, specified crosstool file will be used When using this option to cross-compile, it is required to specify CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME in the cache_entriesBooleanoptionalTrue
includesOptional list of include dirs to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
installIf True, the cmake --install comand will be performed after a buildBooleanoptionalTrue
install_argsArguments for the CMake install commandList of stringsoptional[]
lib_nameLibrary name. Defines the name of the install directory and the name of the static library, if no output files parameters are defined (any of static_libraries, shared_libraries, interface_libraries, binaries_names) Optional. If not defined, defaults to the target's name.Stringoptional""
lib_sourceLabel with source code to build. Typically a filegroup for the source of remote repository. Mandatory.Labelrequired
linkoptsOptional link options to be passed up to the dependencies of this libraryList of stringsoptional[]
out_bin_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the binary files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_binariesOptional names of the resulting binaries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_data_dirsOptional names of additional directories created by the build that should be declared as bazel action outputsList of stringsoptional[]
out_dll_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the dll files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_headers_onlyFlag variable to indicate that the library produces only headersBooleanoptionalFalse
out_include_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the header files, defaults to 'include'.Stringoptional"include"
out_interface_libsOptional names of the resulting interface libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_lib_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the library files, defaults to 'lib'.Stringoptional"lib"
out_shared_libsOptional names of the resulting shared libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_static_libsOptional names of the resulting static libraries. Note that if out_headers_only, out_static_libs, out_shared_libs, and out_binaries are not set, default lib_name.a/lib_name.lib static library is assumedList of stringsoptional[]
postfix_scriptOptional part of the shell script to be added after the make commandsStringoptional""
set_file_prefix_mapUse -ffile-prefix-map with the intention to remove the sandbox path from debug symbolsBooleanoptionalFalse
targetsA list of targets with in the foreign build system to produce. An empty string ("") will result in a call to the underlying build system with no explicit target setList of stringsoptional[]
tool_prefixA prefix for build commandsStringoptional""
tools_depsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
working_directoryWorking directory, with the main CMakeLists.txt (otherwise, the top directory of the lib_source label files is used.)Stringoptional""


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:cmake.bzl", "cmake_variant")

cmake_variant(name, toolchain, kwargs)

Wrapper macro around the cmake() rule to force usage of the given make variant toolchain.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
nameThe target namenone
toolchainThe desired make variant toolchain to use, e.g. @rules_foreign_cc//toolchains:preinstalled_nmake_toolchainnone
kwargsRemaining keyword argumentsnone

A rule for building projects using the Configure+Make build tool


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:configure.bzl", "configure_make")

configure_make(name, deps, data, additional_inputs, additional_tools, alwayslink, args, autoconf,
               autoconf_options, autogen, autogen_command, autogen_options, autoreconf,
               autoreconf_options, build_data, configure_command, configure_in_place,
               configure_options, configure_prefix, configure_xcompile, copts, defines, dynamic_deps,
               env, executable_ldflags_vars, includes, install_prefix, lib_name, lib_source, linkopts,
               out_bin_dir, out_binaries, out_data_dirs, out_dll_dir, out_headers_only,
               out_include_dir, out_interface_libs, out_lib_dir, out_shared_libs, out_static_libs,
               postfix_script, prefix_flag, set_file_prefix_map, shared_ldflags_vars, targets,
               tool_prefix, tools_deps)

Rule for building external libraries with configure-make pattern. Some 'configure' script is invoked with --prefix=install (by default), and other parameters for compilation and linking, taken from Bazel C/C++ toolchain and passed dependencies. After configuration, GNU Make is called.


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
depsOptional dependencies to be copied into the directory structure. Typically those directly required for the external building of the library/binaries. (i.e. those that the external build system will be looking for and paths to which are provided by the calling rule)List of labelsoptional[]
dataFiles needed by this rule at runtime. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_inputsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_toolsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
alwayslinkOptional. if true, link all the object files from the static library, even if they are not used.BooleanoptionalFalse
argsA list of arguments to pass to the call to makeList of stringsoptional[]
autoconfSet to True if 'autoconf' should be invoked before 'configure', currently requires configure_in_place to be True.BooleanoptionalFalse
autoconf_optionsAny options to be put in the '' command line.List of stringsoptional[]
autogenSet to True if '' should be invoked before 'configure', currently requires configure_in_place to be True.BooleanoptionalFalse
autogen_commandThe name of the autogen script file, default: Many projects use however the Autotools FAQ recommends bootstrap so we provide this option to support that.Stringoptional""
autogen_optionsAny options to be put in the '' command line.List of stringsoptional[]
autoreconfSet to True if 'autoreconf' should be invoked before 'configure.', currently requires configure_in_place to be True.BooleanoptionalFalse
autoreconf_optionsAny options to be put in the '' command line.List of stringsoptional[]
build_dataFiles needed by this rule only during build/compile time. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
configure_commandThe name of the configuration script file, default: configure. The file must be in the root of the source directory.Stringoptional"configure"
configure_in_placeSet to True if 'configure' should be invoked in place, i.e. from its enclosing directory.BooleanoptionalFalse
configure_optionsAny options to be put on the 'configure' command line.List of stringsoptional[]
configure_prefixA prefix for the call to the configure_command.Stringoptional""
configure_xcompileIf this is set and an xcompile scenario is detected, pass the necessary autotools flags.BooleanoptionalFalse
coptsOptional. Add these options to the compile flags passed to the foreign build system. The flags only take affect for compiling this target, not its dependencies.List of stringsoptional[]
definesOptional compilation definitions to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
dynamic_depsSame as deps but for cc_shared_library.List of labelsoptional[]
envEnvironment variables to set during the build. $(execpath) macros may be used to point at files which are listed as data, deps, or build_data, but unlike with other rules, these will be replaced with absolute paths to those files, because the build does not run in the exec root. This attribute is subject to make variable substitution. No other macros are supported.Variables containing PATH (e.g. PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH) entries will be prepended to the existing variable.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
executable_ldflags_varsA list of variable names use as LDFLAGS for executables. These variables will be passed to the make command as make vars and overwrite what is defined in the Makefile.List of stringsoptional[]
includesOptional list of include dirs to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
install_prefixInstall prefix, i.e. relative path to where to install the result of the build. Passed to the 'configure' script with the flag specified by prefix_flag.Stringoptional""
lib_nameLibrary name. Defines the name of the install directory and the name of the static library, if no output files parameters are defined (any of static_libraries, shared_libraries, interface_libraries, binaries_names) Optional. If not defined, defaults to the target's name.Stringoptional""
lib_sourceLabel with source code to build. Typically a filegroup for the source of remote repository. Mandatory.Labelrequired
linkoptsOptional link options to be passed up to the dependencies of this libraryList of stringsoptional[]
out_bin_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the binary files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_binariesOptional names of the resulting binaries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_data_dirsOptional names of additional directories created by the build that should be declared as bazel action outputsList of stringsoptional[]
out_dll_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the dll files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_headers_onlyFlag variable to indicate that the library produces only headersBooleanoptionalFalse
out_include_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the header files, defaults to 'include'.Stringoptional"include"
out_interface_libsOptional names of the resulting interface libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_lib_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the library files, defaults to 'lib'.Stringoptional"lib"
out_shared_libsOptional names of the resulting shared libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_static_libsOptional names of the resulting static libraries. Note that if out_headers_only, out_static_libs, out_shared_libs, and out_binaries are not set, default lib_name.a/lib_name.lib static library is assumedList of stringsoptional[]
postfix_scriptOptional part of the shell script to be added after the make commandsStringoptional""
prefix_flagThe flag to specify the install directory prefix with.Stringoptional"--prefix="
set_file_prefix_mapUse -ffile-prefix-map with the intention to remove the sandbox path from debug symbolsBooleanoptionalFalse
shared_ldflags_varsA list of variable names use as LDFLAGS for shared libraries. These variables will be passed to the make command as make vars and overwrite what is defined in the Makefile.List of stringsoptional[]
targetsA list of targets within the foreign build system to produce. An empty string ("") will result in a call to the underlying build system with no explicit target setList of stringsoptional["", "install"]
tool_prefixA prefix for build commandsStringoptional""
tools_depsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:configure.bzl", "configure_make_variant")

configure_make_variant(name, toolchain, kwargs)

Wrapper macro around the configure_make() rule to force usage of the given make variant toolchain.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
nameThe target namenone
toolchainThe desired make variant toolchain to use, e.g. @rules_foreign_cc//toolchains:preinstalled_nmake_toolchainnone
kwargsRemaining keyword argumentsnone

A rule for building projects using the GNU Make build tool


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:make.bzl", "make")

make(name, deps, data, additional_inputs, additional_tools, alwayslink, args, build_data, copts,
     defines, dynamic_deps, env, executable_ldflags_vars, includes, install_prefix, lib_name,
     lib_source, linkopts, out_bin_dir, out_binaries, out_data_dirs, out_dll_dir, out_headers_only,
     out_include_dir, out_interface_libs, out_lib_dir, out_shared_libs, out_static_libs,
     postfix_script, set_file_prefix_map, shared_ldflags_vars, targets, tool_prefix, tools_deps)

Rule for building external libraries with GNU Make. GNU Make commands (make and make install by default) are invoked with PREFIX="install" (by default), and other environment variables for compilation and linking, taken from Bazel C/C++ toolchain and passed dependencies. Not all Makefiles will work equally well here, and some may require patching.Your Makefile must either support passing the install prefix using the PREFIX flag, or it needs to have a different way to pass install prefix to it. An equivalent of make install MUST be specified as one of the targets.This is because all the paths with param names prefixed by out_* are expressed as relative to INSTALLDIR, not the source directory.That is, if you execute only make, but not make install, this rule will not be able to pick up any build outputs. Finally, your make install rule must dereference symlinks to ensure that the installed files don't end up being symlinks to files in the sandbox. For example, installation lines like cp $SOURCE $DEST must become cp -L $SOURCE $DEST, as the -L will ensure that symlinks are dereferenced.


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
depsOptional dependencies to be copied into the directory structure. Typically those directly required for the external building of the library/binaries. (i.e. those that the external build system will be looking for and paths to which are provided by the calling rule)List of labelsoptional[]
dataFiles needed by this rule at runtime. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_inputsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_toolsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
alwayslinkOptional. if true, link all the object files from the static library, even if they are not used.BooleanoptionalFalse
argsA list of arguments to pass to the call to makeList of stringsoptional[]
build_dataFiles needed by this rule only during build/compile time. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
coptsOptional. Add these options to the compile flags passed to the foreign build system. The flags only take affect for compiling this target, not its dependencies.List of stringsoptional[]
definesOptional compilation definitions to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
dynamic_depsSame as deps but for cc_shared_library.List of labelsoptional[]
envEnvironment variables to set during the build. $(execpath) macros may be used to point at files which are listed as data, deps, or build_data, but unlike with other rules, these will be replaced with absolute paths to those files, because the build does not run in the exec root. This attribute is subject to make variable substitution. No other macros are supported.Variables containing PATH (e.g. PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH) entries will be prepended to the existing variable.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
executable_ldflags_varsA string list of variable names use as LDFLAGS for executables. These variables will be passed to the make command as make vars and overwrite what is defined in the Makefile.List of stringsoptional[]
includesOptional list of include dirs to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
install_prefixInstall prefix, i.e. relative path to where to install the result of the build. Passed as an arg to "make" as PREFIX=<install_prefix>.Stringoptional"$$INSTALLDIR$$"
lib_nameLibrary name. Defines the name of the install directory and the name of the static library, if no output files parameters are defined (any of static_libraries, shared_libraries, interface_libraries, binaries_names) Optional. If not defined, defaults to the target's name.Stringoptional""
lib_sourceLabel with source code to build. Typically a filegroup for the source of remote repository. Mandatory.Labelrequired
linkoptsOptional link options to be passed up to the dependencies of this libraryList of stringsoptional[]
out_bin_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the binary files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_binariesOptional names of the resulting binaries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_data_dirsOptional names of additional directories created by the build that should be declared as bazel action outputsList of stringsoptional[]
out_dll_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the dll files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_headers_onlyFlag variable to indicate that the library produces only headersBooleanoptionalFalse
out_include_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the header files, defaults to 'include'.Stringoptional"include"
out_interface_libsOptional names of the resulting interface libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_lib_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the library files, defaults to 'lib'.Stringoptional"lib"
out_shared_libsOptional names of the resulting shared libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_static_libsOptional names of the resulting static libraries. Note that if out_headers_only, out_static_libs, out_shared_libs, and out_binaries are not set, default lib_name.a/lib_name.lib static library is assumedList of stringsoptional[]
postfix_scriptOptional part of the shell script to be added after the make commandsStringoptional""
set_file_prefix_mapUse -ffile-prefix-map with the intention to remove the sandbox path from debug symbolsBooleanoptionalFalse
shared_ldflags_varsA string list of variable names use as LDFLAGS for shared libraries. These variables will be passed to the make command as make vars and overwrite what is defined in the Makefile.List of stringsoptional[]
targetsA list of targets within the foreign build system to produce. An empty string ("") will result in a call to the underlying build system with no explicit target set. However, in order to extract build outputs, you must execute at least an equivalent of make install, and have your make file copy the build outputs into the directory specified by install_prefix.List of stringsoptional["", "install"]
tool_prefixA prefix for build commandsStringoptional""
tools_depsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:make.bzl", "make_variant")

make_variant(name, toolchain, kwargs)

Wrapper macro around the make() rule to force usage of the given make variant toolchain.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
nameThe target namenone
toolchainThe desired make variant toolchain to use, e.g. @rules_foreign_cc//toolchains:preinstalled_nmake_toolchainnone
kwargsRemaining keyword argumentsnone

A rule for building projects using the Meson build system


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:meson.bzl", "meson")

meson(name, deps, data, additional_inputs, additional_tools, alwayslink, build_args, build_data,
      copts, defines, dynamic_deps, env, includes, install, install_args, lib_name, lib_source,
      linkopts, options, out_bin_dir, out_binaries, out_data_dirs, out_dll_dir, out_headers_only,
      out_include_dir, out_interface_libs, out_lib_dir, out_shared_libs, out_static_libs,
      postfix_script, set_file_prefix_map, setup_args, targets, tool_prefix, tools_deps)

Rule for building external libraries with Meson.


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
depsOptional dependencies to be copied into the directory structure. Typically those directly required for the external building of the library/binaries. (i.e. those that the external build system will be looking for and paths to which are provided by the calling rule)List of labelsoptional[]
dataFiles needed by this rule at runtime. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_inputsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_toolsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
alwayslinkOptional. if true, link all the object files from the static library, even if they are not used.BooleanoptionalFalse
build_argsArguments for the Meson build commandList of stringsoptional[]
build_dataFiles needed by this rule only during build/compile time. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
coptsOptional. Add these options to the compile flags passed to the foreign build system. The flags only take affect for compiling this target, not its dependencies.List of stringsoptional[]
definesOptional compilation definitions to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
dynamic_depsSame as deps but for cc_shared_library.List of labelsoptional[]
envEnvironment variables to set during the build. $(execpath) macros may be used to point at files which are listed as data, deps, or build_data, but unlike with other rules, these will be replaced with absolute paths to those files, because the build does not run in the exec root. This attribute is subject to make variable substitution. No other macros are supported.Variables containing PATH (e.g. PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH) entries will be prepended to the existing variable.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
includesOptional list of include dirs to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
installIf True, the meson install comand will be performed after a buildBooleanoptionalTrue
install_argsArguments for the meson install commandList of stringsoptional[]
lib_nameLibrary name. Defines the name of the install directory and the name of the static library, if no output files parameters are defined (any of static_libraries, shared_libraries, interface_libraries, binaries_names) Optional. If not defined, defaults to the target's name.Stringoptional""
lib_sourceLabel with source code to build. Typically a filegroup for the source of remote repository. Mandatory.Labelrequired
linkoptsOptional link options to be passed up to the dependencies of this libraryList of stringsoptional[]
optionsMeson option entries to initialize (they will be passed with -Dkey=value)Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
out_bin_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the binary files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_binariesOptional names of the resulting binaries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_data_dirsOptional names of additional directories created by the build that should be declared as bazel action outputsList of stringsoptional[]
out_dll_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the dll files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_headers_onlyFlag variable to indicate that the library produces only headersBooleanoptionalFalse
out_include_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the header files, defaults to 'include'.Stringoptional"include"
out_interface_libsOptional names of the resulting interface libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_lib_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the library files, defaults to 'lib'.Stringoptional"lib"
out_shared_libsOptional names of the resulting shared libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_static_libsOptional names of the resulting static libraries. Note that if out_headers_only, out_static_libs, out_shared_libs, and out_binaries are not set, default lib_name.a/lib_name.lib static library is assumedList of stringsoptional[]
postfix_scriptOptional part of the shell script to be added after the make commandsStringoptional""
set_file_prefix_mapUse -ffile-prefix-map with the intention to remove the sandbox path from debug symbolsBooleanoptionalFalse
setup_argsArguments for the Meson setup commandList of stringsoptional[]
targetsA list of targets with in the foreign build system to produce. An empty string ("") will result in a call to the underlying build system with no explicit target setList of stringsoptional[]
tool_prefixA prefix for build commandsStringoptional""
tools_depsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:meson.bzl", "meson_with_requirements")

meson_with_requirements(name, requirements, kwargs)

Wrapper macro around Meson rule to add Python libraries required by the Meson build.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
nameThe target namenone
requirementsList of Python "requirements", see
kwargsRemaining keyword argumentsnone

A rule for building projects using the Ninja build tool


load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:ninja.bzl", "ninja")

ninja(name, deps, data, additional_inputs, additional_tools, alwayslink, args, build_data, copts,
      defines, directory, dynamic_deps, env, includes, lib_name, lib_source, linkopts, out_bin_dir,
      out_binaries, out_data_dirs, out_dll_dir, out_headers_only, out_include_dir, out_interface_libs,
      out_lib_dir, out_shared_libs, out_static_libs, postfix_script, set_file_prefix_map, targets,
      tool_prefix, tools_deps)

Rule for building external libraries with Ninja.


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
depsOptional dependencies to be copied into the directory structure. Typically those directly required for the external building of the library/binaries. (i.e. those that the external build system will be looking for and paths to which are provided by the calling rule)List of labelsoptional[]
dataFiles needed by this rule at runtime. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_inputsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
additional_toolsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
alwayslinkOptional. if true, link all the object files from the static library, even if they are not used.BooleanoptionalFalse
argsA list of arguments to pass to the call to ninjaList of stringsoptional[]
build_dataFiles needed by this rule only during build/compile time. May list file or rule targets. Generally allows any target.List of labelsoptional[]
coptsOptional. Add these options to the compile flags passed to the foreign build system. The flags only take affect for compiling this target, not its dependencies.List of stringsoptional[]
definesOptional compilation definitions to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
directoryA directory to pass as the -C argument. The rule will always use the root directory of the lib_sources attribute if this attribute is not setStringoptional""
dynamic_depsSame as deps but for cc_shared_library.List of labelsoptional[]
envEnvironment variables to set during the build. $(execpath) macros may be used to point at files which are listed as data, deps, or build_data, but unlike with other rules, these will be replaced with absolute paths to those files, because the build does not run in the exec root. This attribute is subject to make variable substitution. No other macros are supported.Variables containing PATH (e.g. PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH) entries will be prepended to the existing variable.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
includesOptional list of include dirs to be passed to the dependencies of this library. They are NOT passed to the compiler, you should duplicate them in the configuration options.List of stringsoptional[]
lib_nameLibrary name. Defines the name of the install directory and the name of the static library, if no output files parameters are defined (any of static_libraries, shared_libraries, interface_libraries, binaries_names) Optional. If not defined, defaults to the target's name.Stringoptional""
lib_sourceLabel with source code to build. Typically a filegroup for the source of remote repository. Mandatory.Labelrequired
linkoptsOptional link options to be passed up to the dependencies of this libraryList of stringsoptional[]
out_bin_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the binary files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_binariesOptional names of the resulting binaries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_data_dirsOptional names of additional directories created by the build that should be declared as bazel action outputsList of stringsoptional[]
out_dll_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the dll files, defaults to 'bin'.Stringoptional"bin"
out_headers_onlyFlag variable to indicate that the library produces only headersBooleanoptionalFalse
out_include_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the header files, defaults to 'include'.Stringoptional"include"
out_interface_libsOptional names of the resulting interface libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_lib_dirOptional name of the output subdirectory with the library files, defaults to 'lib'.Stringoptional"lib"
out_shared_libsOptional names of the resulting shared libraries.List of stringsoptional[]
out_static_libsOptional names of the resulting static libraries. Note that if out_headers_only, out_static_libs, out_shared_libs, and out_binaries are not set, default lib_name.a/lib_name.lib static library is assumedList of stringsoptional[]
postfix_scriptOptional part of the shell script to be added after the make commandsStringoptional""
set_file_prefix_mapUse -ffile-prefix-map with the intention to remove the sandbox path from debug symbolsBooleanoptionalFalse
targetsA list of targets with in the foreign build system to produce. An empty string ("") will result in a call to the underlying build system with no explicit target setList of stringsoptional[]
tool_prefixA prefix for build commandsStringoptional""
tools_depsdeprecated: Please use the build_data attribute.List of labelsoptional[]