Go and Bazel

This tutorial covers

  • Background of Bazel and Bazel’s Go support
  • Covering the use of rules_go with Bazel and Go
  • Creating a basic Go project for the tutorial
  • Implementing a WORKSPACE and BUILD.bazel files
  • Using Gazelle to generate more WORKSPACE and BUILD.bazel updates
  • Utilizing different Bazel commands
  • An overview of Gazelle and Go dependency management
  • Understanding the contents of the WORKSPACE and BUILD.bazel files
  • Creating new internal dependencies and using Gazelle to update build files
  • Adding a new external Go dependency and the Go vendoring
  • Running and implementing Go tests with Bazel
  • Learning about other rules in rules_go

About Bazel and Go

This tutorial is going to cover how Bazel supports the programming language Go. Bazel is an open-source build and test application that supports the software development lifecycle. Bazel strives to allow a developer to have hermetic and deterministic builds, testing, packaging, and deployment. This build tool works with multiple languages and cross compilation for different operating systems and hardware architecture.

Go is an open-source programming language that was created by Google. Now that we have some background about Bazel now let’s cover some Bazel concepts.

One of the concepts within Bazel is a rule. A Bazel rule defines a series of actions and outputs. Toolchains are another concept/part of Bazel. The toolchain framework is a way for rule authors to decouple their rule logic from the platform-based selection of tools. So we need a rule, or usually a set of rules (a “ruleset”) that provides a toolchain to support a programming language.
The Bazel open-source community maintains rules_go. This ruleset provides the following support:

  • Building go libraries, binaries, and tests
  • Vendoring and dependency management
  • Support for cgo
  • The cross-compilation of binaries for different OS and platforms
  • Build-time code analysis via nogo
  • Support for protocol buffers
  • Remote execution
  • Code coverage testing
  • gopls integration for editor support
  • Debugging

The Bazel open-source community also provides another tool called Gazelle. Gazelle addresses the creation and maintenance of BUILD files.
Every Bazel project has BUILD (BUILD.bazel) files that define the various rules that are used within a project. When you add more code or dependencies to a project you need to update your build files. When you add a new folder you need to add another BUILD.bazel file. If you have ever worked with Bazel you know how much time you spend maintaining these files, if you maintain the files by hand. Gazelle was created to reduce the previously mentioned pain points.

Gazelle is a build file generator for Bazel projects. It can create new BUILD.bazel files for a project that follows language conventions, and it can update existing build files to include new sources, dependencies, and options. Gazelle natively supports Go and protobuf, and it may be extended to support new languages and custom rule sets.


Initially Gazelle was created to support Go, and now supports many other languages. These languages include but are not limited to Haskell, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, R, Starlark, and Go.

Part of learning Bazel is understanding the configuration language that Bazel uses. The language is called Starlark.

Starlark (formerly known as Skylark) is a language intended for use as a configuration language. It was designed for the Bazel build system, but may be useful for other projects as well. This repository is where Starlark features are proposed, discussed, and specified. It contains information about the language, including the specification. There are multiple implementations of Starlark.

Starlark is a dialect of Python. Like Python, it is a dynamically typed language with high-level data types, first-class functions with lexical scope, and garbage collection.

  • https://github.com/bazelbuild/starlark#overview

The good news is that Starlark is a dialect of Python, almost a subset of the language. If you know Python, you have a jump start on learning Starlark.

Before we start creating a simple Go project, we will cover a couple of dependencies for this tutorial.

Dependencies for the tutorial

We use the following dependencies for this tutorial.

Technically, we do not need the go binary installed to use Bazel, but we are going to use cobra-cli to generate some project code. We did not want to add the extra work to run the binary using Bazel. A developer using go, does not need to download the go binary. To keep a build deterministic Bazel and rules_go download go. rules_go requires the installation of gcc.

We are not installing Bazel by hand for this tutorial, but are using Bazelisk. Bazelisk is a wrapper for Bazel written in Go. It automatically picks the correct version of Bazel given your current working directory, downloads it from the official server (if required), and then transparently passes through all command-line arguments to the real Bazel binary. You can call it just like you would call Bazel.

Now, how about we write some code? We will create a simple Go program and then add Bazel to the project. We have structured the tutorial in this manner since at times, you migrate to using Bazel with an existing project, and at other times you start a new project with Bazel.

The project

We are going to create a small example project first using go. As we mentioned you do not need to use go directly at all when using Bazel. But to get an “easy” jump start we wanted to quickly generate some code.

The project is going to consist of a simple CLI program that generates a random number.

Generate the project framework

First, create a git repository to store your work. For this project, we are using https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/tree/master/examples/basic-gazelle, and replace any references to that repository with your own. You can refer to the above repository for the final source code base.

We are using the cobra CLI framework for this project. The cobra framework is commonly used by various projects including Kubernetes. The cobra-cli binary is provided by the project for the initial generation of CLI code.

Run the following comment to install cobra-cli.

$ go install github.com/spf13/cobra-cli@latest

If you have questions the cobra README includes more details.

In the root directory of your project use go mod and init the code vendoring.

$ go mod init github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/tree/master/examples/basic-gazelle

Next use cobra-cli to create go root, root, and roll files. Replace the NAME variable with your information.

$ export NAME="Your Name your@email.com"
$ cobra-cli init -a '${NAME}' --license apache
$ cobra-cli add roll -a '${NAME}' --license apache

Run the above commands in the root directory of your project.

You will now have the following files:

├── cmd
│   ├── roll.go
│   └── root.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go

Let’s add a directory:

$ mkdir -p pkg/roll

Inside of those directories, we can add the roll_dice.go file.

In the roll_dice.go file add the following code:

package roll

import (

func Roll() string {
        fmt.Println("rolling the dice")
        return generateNumber()

func generateNumber() string {
        source := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
        random := rand.New(source)
        return strconv.Itoa(random.Intn(100))

You will end up with the following file structure:

├── cmd
│   ├── roll.go
│   └── root.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
└── pkg
    └── roll
        └── roll_dice.go

Next add a .gitignore file by running the following command.

$ tee -a .gitignore << EOF
/bazel-$(basename $(pwd))

Bazel creates various directories in the project root and this file will allow git to ignore those directories.

This is a good time to push your files into a remote git repository like GitHub. Now we cover rules_go and Gazelle.

Bazel Rules

As we mentioned previously, Bazel provides rules_go and Gazelle. You can find more about them here:

At a high level, we use Starlark to define that Bazel will use rules from rules_go to create the Go support within a project. We use Gazelle to manage our BUILD.bazel files, or WORKSPACE files, and other Bazel-specific files.

If you are not familiar with BUILD.bazel files or WORKSPACE files look at: https://bazel.build/concepts/build-files.

Next, let’s create our WORKSPACE file so that Bazel knows it is using rules_go and Gazelle.

Create a WORKSPACE file

Bazel files, including the WORKSPACE and other BUILD.bazel files, include Starlark definitions.

An example WORKSPACE file is documented here.

Use your favorite editor and create a file named WORKSPACE in the root directory of your project.

Edit the WORKSPACE file and include the following Starlark code.

# use http_archive to download bazel rules_go
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
    sha256 = "099a9fb96a376ccbbb7d291ed4ecbdfd42f6bc822ab77ae6f1b5cb9e914e94fa",
    urls = [

# use http_archive to download bazel_gazelle dependency
    name = "bazel_gazelle",
    sha256 = "efbbba6ac1a4fd342d5122cbdfdb82aeb2cf2862e35022c752eaddffada7c3f3",
    urls = [

# load Bazel and Gazelle rules
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies")

# Define your own dependencies here using go_repository.
# Else, dependencies declared by rules_go/gazelle will be used.
# The first declaration of an external repository "wins".

# we are going to store the go dependecy definitions
# in a different file "deps.bzl". We can include those 
# definitions in this file, but it gets quite verbose.
load("//:deps.bzl", "go_dependencies")

# Next we initialize the toolchains

# gazelle:repository_macro deps.bzl%go_dependencies


# We define the version of go that this project uses
go_register_toolchains(version = "1.19.1")


The above WORKSPACE file contains specific version numbers for rules_go and Gazelle. Refer to the Gazelle site to use the latest versions. Also, update the go_register_toolchains(version = "1.19.1") to the version you would like to use of Go.

Next, we need a BUILD.bazel file in the root project directory.

Create the initial BUILD.bazel file

Open your editor and create a file named BUILD.bazel. Write the following contents to the BUILD.bazel file:

# Load the gazelle rule
load("@bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", "gazelle")

# The following comment defines the import path that corresponds to the repository root directory.
# This is a critical definition, and if you mess this up all of the `BUILD.bazel` file generation 
# will have errors.

# Modify the prefix to your project name in your git repository.

# gazelle:prefix github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/tree/master/examples/basic-gazelle
gazelle(name = "gazelle")

# Add a rule to call gazelle and pull in new go dependencies.
    name = "gazelle-update-repos",
    args = [
    command = "update-repos",

Again the gazelle:prefix is critical. If the value after the code “prefix:” is not named correctly Gazelle does not update the BUILD.bazel file correctly. This value contains the import path corresponds to your repository and drives dependency management. If you include the incorrect value Gazelle will think that a dependency inside the Go code that lives outside the repository.

The last rule that we defined is named “gazelle-update-repos”. This is a custom Starlark definition that defines a Gazelle command and specific arguments to that command. Do not run this command yet, but this allows us to run:

$ bazelisk run //:gazelle-update-repos

Which is the equivalent of running:

$ bazelisk run //:gazelle update-repos -from_file=go.mod -to_macro=deps.bzl%go_dependencies -prune

The update-repos command is a very common way of running Gazelle. Gazelle scans sources in directories throughout the repository, then creates, and updates build files. The BUILD.bazel file includes an alias to run “update”.

Since we run that command a lot, we create the definition for it.

We now have done the initial creation of the WORKSPACE and BUILD.bazel files. Next, we will use Bazel to run the Gazelle target.

Run the Gazelle commands

We previously mentioned we use Bazel to run Gazelle, and Gazelle manages the BUILD.bazel files for us. We are using bazelisk to manage and run Bazel, but we will typically say “run bazel” instead of “run bazelisk”.

Run the following commands to update the root BUILD.bazel, the WORKSPACE file, and generate the other BUILD.bazel files for the project.

$ bazelisk run //:gazelle
$ bazelisk run //:gazelle-update-repos

You now have the following files:

├── BUILD.bazel
├── CREATE.adoc
├── cmd
│   ├── BUILD.bazel
│   ├── roll.go
│   └── root.go
├── deps.bzl
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
└── pkg
    └── roll
        ├── BUILD.bazel
        └── roll_dice.go

We now have new BUILD.bazel files in the cmd and pkg directories. How about we walk through the Starlark code in the BUILD.bazel and deps.bzl files?

The bazel files in the project

The previous Gazelle command updated the BUILD.bazel file in the project’s root directory and created new BUILD.bazel files as well. Here is a layout of the Bazel files in the project.

├── BUILD.bazel
├── cmd
│   ├── BUILD.bazel
├── deps.bzl
└── pkg
    └── roll
        └── BUILD.bazel

The WORKSPACE file was updated as well, and we have a new file called deps.bzl. We now have a working Bazel project, so what commands can we run?

Basic Bazel commands

Bazel has various commands that are defined.

The main ones that developers typically run are build, test and run.

The build and test commands are pretty self-explanatory. The build command builds the source code for your project, and the test command runs any tests that are defined. The run command executes a rule, for instance, executes a go binary.

In the project, you can run

$ bazelisk build //...

This will build the binary for our example project. We can run the binary that Bazel creates with the following command:

$ bazelisk run //:basic-gazelle

You can also pass in the command line option “roll” that we defined to the Bazel run command.

$ bazelisk run //:basic-gazelle roll

We will cover the “test” command later as we do not have any tests defined in the project.

So the commands build, run, and test are pretty easy to get your head around, but the third part of the command was a bit confusing for me when I first learned Bazel. The “//…” or “//:something”
is called a target.

You can refer to the documentation here. The text “//…” and “//:basic-gazelle” are all the targets in a given directory or the name of a specific target. Some commands like build, and test can run multiple targets, while a command like run can only execute one target.

The below table provides a great guide for targets:

//foo/bar:wiz Just the single target //foo/bar:wiz.
//foo/bar Equivalent to //foo/bar:bar.
//foo/bar:all All rule targets in the package foo/bar.
//foo/... All rule targets in all packages beneath the directory foo.
//foo/...:all All rule targets in all packages beneath the directory foo.
//foo/...:* All targets (rules and files) in all packages beneath the directory foo.
//foo/...:all-targets All targets (rules and files) in all packages beneath the directory foo.
//... All targets in packages in the workspace. This does not include targets from external repositories.
//:all All targets in the top-level package, if there is a `BUILD.bazel` file at the root of the workspace.


If we look in the BUILD.bazel file in the root directory will find a go_library rule named basic-gazelle_lib, and this is a target we can build.

$ bazelisk build //:basic-gazelle_lib

This “go_library” target is named by Gazelle automatically depending on the name of your project, so the name may differ.

We can also run the basic-gazelle binary target using the following command:

$ bazelisk run //:basic-gazelle roll

Or we can build all of the targets under the pkg directory:

$ bazelisk build //pkg/...

Note about binaries and build

We wanted to include a side note about “bazel build”. You may wonder where the heck is the binary put. Bazel creates various folders and symlinks in the project directory. Within our example, we have:

  • bazel-bazel-gazelle
  • bazel-bin
  • bazel-out
  • bazel-basic-gazelle
  • bazel-testlogs

Binaries from the project are placed under the bazel-bin folder. Inside that folder, we have another folder with the name basic-gazelle_, and that folder name is created from the name of the binary that is created. A Bazel project can contain multiple binaries, so we have to have that form of naming syntax. Inside the basic-gazelle_ folder we have the binary basic-gazelle_.

Where Gazelle defines the dependencies

One of the features of Gazelle is to “vendor” Go projects. Within this example, we are using Go vendoring at the base, but Bazel must also have the external dependencies defined.

The Gazelle update-repos command takes the go.mod file and creates the StarkLark code that defines the external vendoring that Bazel uses. External dependencies are defined in one of two locations; in the WORKSPACE file or in an external file that is referenced in the WORKSPACE file. The list of external dependencies can grow very long, so we recommend that it is defined as a reference in the WORKSPACE file.

Each of the following lines within the WORKSPACE file defines the location of the deps.bzl file:

# load Bazel and Gazelle rules
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies")

# Define your own dependencies here using go_repository.
# Else, dependencies declared by rules_go/gazelle will be used.
# The first declaration of an external repository "wins".

load("//:deps.bzl", "go_dependencies")

One challenge you can run into is that you need to manually override a dependency, and you can do this by adding the code “http_archive”. Below we have an example of overriding the “buildtools” dependency.

    name = "com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools",
    sha256 = "a02ba93b96a8151b5d8d3466580f6c1f7e77212c4eb181cba53eb2cae7752a23",
    strip_prefix = "buildtools-3.5.0",
    urls = [

This example is from the cockroach database operator project. You can see the full definition here.

Now let’s cover what is inside of the BUILD.bazel files. As we mentioned, Bazel rules are in essence, Starlark libraries.

The BUILD.bazel files

The rules_go has several “Core rules” defined. These include:

  • go_binary
  • go_library
  • go_test
  • go_source
  • go_path

See here for more details. And these Starlark rules are used inside of the BUILD.bazel files, and are often updated automatically by Gazelle.

After we ran Gazelle, the BUILD.bazel file was updated to include two new Starlark definitions:

    name = "basic-gazelle_lib",
    srcs = ["main.go"],
    importpath = "github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/tree/master/examples/basic-gazelle",
    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
    deps = ["//cmd"],

    name = "basic-gazelle",
    embed = [":basic-gazelle_lib"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Both the go_library and go_binary rules are defined for Bazel. The go_library rule defines the build of a Go library from a set of source files that are all part of the same package. The go_binary rule defines the build of an executable from a set of source files, which must all be in the main package. The go_rules project includes a great documentation section if you want more details.

More BUILD.bazel files were also created. Here is the BUILD.bazel file that was created in the cmd folder.

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")

    name = "cmd",
    srcs = [
    importpath = "github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/tree/master/examples/basic-gazelle/cmd",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = [

The first line load the Starlark definition from the go_rules library. You can then use “go_library” which is used directly after. This go_library definition also mentions an external dependency using cobra.

How these files work together

The WORKSPACE, deps.bzl, and BUILD.bazel files create a dependency graph that Bazel uses. This blog post covers visualizing the dependency graph. Take a peak if you want to learn a bit about “bazel query” command.

Next, we cover more definitions in the WORKSPACE file. We can start with the following code:

    name = "io_bazel_rules_go",

We are not including the full call for brevity. This http_archive definition tells Bazel to download and use a specific version of rules_go. If you look at the BUILD.bazel file in the root directory you can see the “load” command for rules_go, which exports go_library.

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library")

The go_library definition is then used later in the file.

    name = "basic-gazelle_lib",

So the WORKSPACE file includes the definition of which rules_go we are using and then the BUILD.bazel files load those rules and use one of the definitions in the rules.

The same kind of dependency graph is used for external dependencies. The WORKSPACE file includes the definition for Gazelle (http_archive) and an import for the deps.bzl file. The deps.bzl file includes load definitions for the Gazelle “go_repository” rule. The go_repository rules define various external go dependencies that are then vendored. One of those dependencies is cobra, which is used as a dependency by all of the go files inside of the cmd directory. Inside of the BUILD.bazel file, located in the cmd directory, the “deps” are a parameter passed in the go_library rule.

    deps = ["@com_github_spf13_cobra//:go_default_library"],

So Bazel now has the capability to:

  • Build a dependency graph for the project
  • Various rules are defined that impact the dependency tree
  • go_rules, and Gazelle define various rules
  • The Bazel dependency tree includes go_library rules
  • External dependencies are defined in go_repository rules
  • deps are passed into go_library rules

All of these definitions create a dependency graph that allows Bazel to run:

$ bazelisk build //...

When the command is executed, Bazel will download and cache all dependencies, including but not limited to:

  • The defined GoLang compiler and libraries
  • The defined rules sets
  • build the Go binary

Downloading and caching the above components is part of Bazel providing hermetic and deterministic builds. All of the downloaded components are checked against an SHA that verifies the checksum of the downloaded file(s) checksum.

Next, we will make some code changes and introduce an internal code dependency.

Using the files under pkg

Now, we want to modify and use the files under the pkg directory.

Edit roll.go under the cmd folder and add an import to roll_dice.

You will now have:

import (


Then call roll.Roll() after the fmt.Println statement. This will give you:

   Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
       fmt.Println("roll called")

You have edited the following files.

├── cmd
│   ├── roll.go
└── pkg
    └── roll
        └── roll_dice.go

We now need to update the BUILD.bazel files, and the easiest way to do this is to run Gazelle.

Execute the following command:

$ bazelisk run //:gazelle

We can now use bazel to run the binary again:

$ bazelisk run //:basic-gazelle roll

The above commands build the Go binary and executes it. The following is an example of the output from the run command.

INFO: Analyzed target //:basic-gazelle (1 packages loaded, 6 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:basic-gazelle up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.316s, Critical Path: 0.16s
INFO: 3 processes: 1 internal, 2 linux-sandbox.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 3 total actions
INFO: Build completed successfully, 3 total actions
roll called
roll dice

Running the Gazelle target modified the BUILD.bazel file under the cmd directory. Here is the diff.

diff --git a/cmd/BUILD.bazel b/cmd/BUILD.bazel
index ac66183..9033b86 100644
--- a/cmd/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/cmd/BUILD.bazel
@@ -9,5 +9,8 @@ go_library(
     importpath = "github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/tree/master/examples/basic-gazelle/cmd",
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-    deps = ["@com_github_spf13_cobra//:cobra"],
+    deps = [
+        "//pkg/roll",
+        "@com_github_spf13_cobra//:cobra",
+    ],

The line was added inside of the deps stanza that points to the package where roll.go resides.

Next update the BUILD.bazel files using gazelle:

$ bazelisk run //:gazelle

Now we have BUILD.bazel updated. Here is the diff:

diff --git a/cmd/BUILD.bazel b/cmd/BUILD.bazel
index ac66183..891b0e1 100644
--- a/cmd/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/cmd/BUILD.bazel
@@ -9,5 +9,9 @@ go_library(
     importpath = "github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/tree/master/examples/basic-gazelle/cmd",
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-    deps = ["@com_github_spf13_cobra//:cobra"],
+    deps = [
+        "//pkg/roll",
+        "@com_github_spf13_cobra//:cobra",
+    ],

The project is now modified so that the files under the pkg folder are now used. This is the principle of using internal dependencies. Next, we will add a Go project dependency hosted out of GitHub; an “external dependency”.

Adding an external dependency

We are going to add klog as an external dependency, which is located here: https://github.com/kubernetes/klog.

To initialize klog we add the `klog.InitFlags(nil) line to the main.go file:

func main() {

The add the import:


Edit pkg/roll_dice.go file to add the call to klog, and add the required import statement. Here is an example of using klog in the roll_dice.go file.

    klog.Info("rolling the dice")

Also replace the fmt.Println statement in cmd/roll.go:

        Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
               klog.Info("calling roll")
               fmt.Printf("Number rolled: %s\n", roll.Roll())

Once that code change is done, we need to run go mod to update the project’s dependencies. We can use Bazel to run the Go binary instead of having to installing the Go SDK ourselves. The Go rules have already downloaded the Go SDK, so use the following command.

$ bazelisk run @go_sdk//:bin/go -- mod tidy

Keeping go.mod updated allows us to either use Go directly or Bazel to build and run the code.

We now need to update the Bazel import, and the easiest way to do this is to run Gazelle.

$ bazelisk run //:gazelle-update-repos
$ bazelisk run //:gazelle

The first Bazel command updated the deps.bzl file. The second command updates the BUILD.bazel file in pkg/roll. Below is the diff of the updates.

diff --git a/examples/basic-gazelle/pkg/roll/BUILD.bazel b/examples/basic-gazelle/pkg/roll/BUILD.bazel
index bd37d646..0ced314d 100644
--- a/examples/basic-gazelle/pkg/roll/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/examples/basic-gazelle/pkg/roll/BUILD.bazel
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ go_library(
     srcs = ["roll_dice.go"],
     importpath = "github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/examples/basic-gazelle/pkg/roll",
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    deps = ["@io_k8s_klog_v2//:klog"],

You can see the deps is now updated and points to the external repo "@io_k8s_klog_v2//:klog" The “@” references an external code base that Bazel will download so that the Go SDK can build the code.

This GitHub repo is defined in deps.bzl file in the following go_repository stanza.

         name = "io_k8s_klog_v2",
         importpath = "k8s.io/klog/v2",
         sum = "h1:atnLQ121W371wYYFawwYx1aEY2eUfs4l3J72wtgAwV4=",
         version = "v2.80.1",

We can now run our Go binary and see the changes.

$  bazel run //:basic-gazelle roll
INFO: Analyzed target //:basic-gazelle (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:basic-gazelle up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.119s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
I1129 14:45:14.253052   22596 roll.go:36] calling roll
I1129 14:45:14.253087   22596 roll_dice.go:26] rolling the dice
Number rolled: 43

One of the things that you may notice is that you do not have to run “bazel build” and then “bazel run”. Bazel will determine that the code is not built, and will run the “build” phase for you automatically.

To recap what we have done. We have modified our code to use the babble Go code on GitHub. We then use Bazel to run go mod, which updates go.mod file. Next we ran the targets gazelle-update-repos and gazelle with Bazel. The first Bazel alias updated the deps.bzl file with the external dependency and the Gazelle target updated the deps section in pkg/roll/BUILD.bazel. Bazel can then download the external dependency and use that dependency when our example Go program is compiled.

How about we add a Go unit test so we can run “bazel test”?

Go tests

As we mentioned, Bazel supports running code tests, as defined in Bazel rules. One of the rules from go_rules is go_test. Now let’s add a test.

Create a new file in the pkg/roll directory called roll_dice_test.go. Include the following code:

package roll

import (

func TestGenerateNumber(t *testing.T) {
        result := generateNumber()

        if result == "" {
                t.Error("got an empty string")

We have a unit test now, but Bazel does not know about it. Again we need Bazel to have the target in its dependency graph, and to do that, we need to update the BUILD.bazel file. The easiest way to do that is with Gazelle.

Simply run:

$ bazelisk run //:gazelle

This now updates the BUILD.bazel file in the pkg/roll directory with the following lines:

    name = "roll_test",
    srcs = ["roll_dice_test.go"],
    embed = [":roll"],

We now have a go_test rule, which is part of the rules_go ruleset. Now we can run:

$ bazelisk test //...

The above command should print out results similar to

$ bazelisk test //...
INFO: Analyzed 6 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 5 targets and 1 test target...
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.125s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
//pkg/roll:roll_test                                            (cached) PASSED in 0.0s

Executed 0 out of 1 test: 1 test passes.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action

You may also notice that the command printed out a target named //pkg/roll:wroll. We can also run just the specific target:

$ bazelisk test //pkg/roll:roll

Let’s now see what happens when a test fails since debugging unit tests are often part of the development process. In the roll_dice_test.go file, change the “if” statement as shown below.

    if result == "" {

Now if we run

$ bazelisk test //pkg/roll:roll_test

We get an output like

$ bazelisk test //pkg/roll:roll_test
INFO: Analyzed target //pkg/roll:roll_test (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 test target...
FAIL: //pkg/roll:roll_test (see /home/clove/.cache/bazel/_bazel_clove/f408d421e706f9a6112d2f3205e6556c/execroot/__main__/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/testlogs/pkg/roll/roll_test/test.log)
Target //pkg/roll:roll_test up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.336s, Critical Path: 0.18s
INFO: 6 processes: 1 internal, 5 linux-sandbox.
INFO: Build completed, 1 test FAILED, 6 total actions
//pkg/roll:roll_test                                                     FAILED in 0.0s

INFO: Build completed, 1 test FAILED, 6 total action

The line that displays the path to the test.log file will differ between systems, but it provides output from the unit test. If we cat the file we see the results:

$ cat /home/clove/.cache/bazel/_bazel_clove/f408d421e706f9a6112d2f3205e6556c/execroot/__main__/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/testlogs/pkg/roll/roll_test/test.log
exec ${PAGER:-/usr/bin/less} "$0" || exit 1
Executing tests from //pkg/roll:roll_test
--- FAIL: TestGenerateNumber (0.00s)
    roll_dice_test.go:25: got an empty string

Adding the “test_ouput” argument to the Bazel test command will output the test results to the console.

$ bazelisk test --test_output=errors //...
INFO: Analyzed 5 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 4 targets and 1 test target...
FAIL: //pkg/roll:roll_test (see /home/clove/.cache/bazel/_bazel_clove/f408d421e706f9a6112d2f3205e6556c/execroot/__main__/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/testlogs/pkg/roll/roll_test/test.log)
INFO: From Testing //pkg/roll:roll_test:
==================== Test output for //pkg/roll:roll_test:
--- FAIL: TestGenerateNumber (0.00s)
    roll_dice_test.go:25: got an empty string
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.191s, Critical Path: 0.03s
INFO: 3 processes: 1 internal, 2 linux-sandbox.
INFO: Build completed, 1 test FAILED, 3 total actions
//pkg/roll:roll_test                                                     FAILED in 0.0s

INFO: Build completed, 1 test FAILED, 3 total actions

If you like you can change the “if” statement back so that the unit test passes.

So now we know how to include a new unit test, update BUILD.bazel rules with Gazelle, and then run the test.

Other rules in rules_go

The rules_go documentation provides a great reference to the different rules provided in the ruleset.

We have covered three of the top rules: go_binary, go_library, and go_test. We also covered rules that Gazelle uses to manage dependencies called go_repository.

Other rules in the go_rules ruleset include:

  • Proto rules that generate Go packages from .proto files. These packages can be imported like regular Go libraries.
  • The Go toolchain is a set of rules used to customize the behavior of the core Go rules. The Go toolchain allows for the configuration of the Go distribution utilized. The toolchain declares Bazel toolchains for each target platform that Go supports. The context rules are all for writing custom rules that are compatible with rules_go.
  • Also, go_rules includes a rule for using go mock and the rule go_embed_data. The rule go_embed_data generates a .go file that contains data from a file or a list of files.
  • The nogo rule support using nogo during testing. The code analysis tool nogo screens code preventing bugs and code anti-patterns, and can also run vet.

Other capabilities of go_rules include:

  • creating pure go binaries
  • building go static binaries
  • basic race condition detection

And lastly, you probably know that Go supports cross-compilation, and this is really nice when we are developing with containers. Within rules_go they have included go_cross_binary, which allows you to define the creation of a binary for a specific operating system and CPU architecture. This can allow us to develop on a Mac and run the binary on that Mac, while also building a binary for Linux. We then would use a set of Bazel rules that support the building of containers, and Bazel can put the Linux binary in the container.


  • Bazel supports the building and testing of the Go programming language using the rules_go ruleset.
  • Initially, you need to create a basic WORKSPACE and BUILD.bazel file in the root directory of your project.
  • You can use Gazelle to create and maintain various Bazel files.
  • Gazelle can update various Bazel files when you add a new go file or go tests.
  • Bazel supports many commands, and we covered the build, run and test commands.
  • Bazel uses a dependency graph that is based on WORKSPACE, BUILD.bazel, and other Bazel files.
  • The ruleset rules_go provides various rules like go_binary, go_library and go_test. They are used to build binaries, libraries, and support unit testing.
  • Gazelle can update BUILD.bazel and deps.bzl files with either internal or external Go dependencies.
  • The go_test rule is used to define Go unit tests.
  • go_rules definers various other rules. These rules include managing protocol buffers, grpc, cross-compilation, and controlling various aspects of how the Go SDK is downloaded and configured.